How Does Plan B Affect Your Body?
If you’re sexually active, there’s always a chance you could get pregnant, even when using protection. Perhaps you’re considering Plan B to avoid an unplanned pregnancy. It seems like a simple fix, but before taking Plan B, it’s crucial to understand how it could...
Alcohol During Pregnancy- What to do if you drank before you knew?
You may have heard the rule “no drinking while pregnant!” and have some understanding that pregnancy and alcohol have a bad relationship but maybe you are less familiar with the reasons behind this recommendation and the risks associated with drinking alcohol while...
What is the Abortion Pill?
An unplanned pregnancy can rip the rug out from under you. It can be easy to make a snap decision out of fear, but it’s crucial to ask questions and get all the facts on your options to protect your health! Today, we’re answering some frequently asked questions...