An appointment room at Life Choice where women can receive a variety of free pregnancy services in Russellville, Kentucky

Life Choice provides a variety of free services, so you can make an informed and empowered choice for your unplanned pregnancy!

Free Ultrasounds

Ultrasounds provide the insight needed to make an informed and empowered decision for an unplanned pregnancy! They determine two key factors: viability and gestational age.

What is Pregnancy Viability?

A viable pregnancy means that the pregnancy is progressing properly. For example, at about six weeks, the embryo should have a heartbeat[1]. The goal is to rule out a nonviable pregnancy, such as a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy—in either case, abortion isn’t needed.

What is Gestational Age?

How far along am I? Your ultrasound can answer that question! It’s important to know how far along you are (also known as your gestational age), as this information will help determine what options are available to you.

A woman holding a free pregnancy test in Russellville, Kentucky

Free Pregnancy Tests

Have you missed your period? Are you experiencing pregnancy symptoms? Perhaps you’ve already taken a pregnancy test at home, but want a second opinion.

Life Choice provides free pregnancy tests so you can be certain you’re pregnant. Results are 99% accurate and 100% confidential.

A woman reading on her laptop that Life Choice offers free pregnancy services and support in Russellville, Kentucky

Compassion and Support

Get the care and support you deserve at Life Choice. Give us a call at (270) 717-5433 or schedule your appointment online today!


We refer clients to local agencies and support systems when a client’s need is outside of Life Choice’s expertise or mission.