An unplanned pregnancy can feel disorienting. If you’re sorting through your options, you’ll want to begin by addressing a few questions, including how far along you are, types of abortion, and laws in your state. Keep reading to learn about your abortion options! How...
Understanding abortion laws can feel disorienting, especially if you already feel overwhelmed by an unplanned pregnancy. Some states have abortion restrictions, so women travel to other states for an abortion. If you’re considering an abortion, there are six things...
Feeling panicked because you are having doubts or feelings of regret after taking your first dose of the abortion pill (mifepristone or RU-486)? You are not the only one! Lots of women before you, (and to come) report feelings of doubt or regret after taking the first...
If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, you might be considering Plan C. It’s important to get all of the facts, so you can make a fully informed decision! The compassionate staff at Life Choice is here to answer all of your questions, so you can make a fully...
If you have been sexually active and have recently been experiencing pregnancy symptoms and/or your period is late, it would be easy to conclude that you may be pregnant. However, if you take a pregnancy test and it’s negative, where do you go from there? Is the test...